Tasco Teaches

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Where can you find more information about binoculars?

Tasco Teaches

If you are a beginner to the binocular world keep in mind there are two major types of internal designs to Binoculars:
Porro Prisms:
A process that has been around for a century. The binoculars house 2 prisms which lengthen the light path. This process delivers an exceptional binocular view quality at an affordable price.
Roof Prisms:
This is a more compact design with roof shaped prisms that move the light along. This design is usually priced higher. Though, honestly in most cases you get the same quality in Porro Prisim binoculars.
Some people might want to charge you more based only on this newer prism feature. However, you should really take all the binocular features into consideration before you buy anything. So if you are unsure of the meanings behind these features surf to Tasco.com. Not only do they provide a listing of their Tasco Binoculars, they also have a glossary of common binocular terms and shopping tips.



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