Birding Binoculars Tips

Read these 7 Birding Binoculars Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Binoculars tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Where can you find information about birding binoculars?

Digest The Info

If you want to learn about Bird Watching go right to the source. Pick up a known magazine like Bird Watcher's Digest. In each issue you'll get to know the types of birds. Plus, you'll also learn more about the hobby itself. Another useful thing BWD offers is binocular reviews. In fact they sometimes devote a big portion of certain issues to listing the best birding binoculars for that year. It's a good read to satisfy a great interest in this hobby.

Why should you join a bird watching club?

Join The Club

Birding Binocular reviews are a great source of information. They can provide a full range of specs and field test results. However, reviews fall short when you have questions. Like if you wanted clarification of something. Or if you wanted to know if a certain pair of binoculars would be best for your situation. One way around this problem is to join a bird club or society. You can find listings of them at local schools, community centers or online. These groups are usually run by experienced bird watchers. People that not only know about birds, but can also answer questions about equipment like binoculars. Another advantage to joining a bird watching group is that there are multiple members. Which means you can get more equipment opinions, plus test out all kinds of different bird watching binoculars.

What tyoe of lens coating is best for viewing birds?

Sun Savers

Looking directly into the sun is obviously something we should all avoid. The sun's power can do a real number on our eyes. Unfortunately, for bird watchers this can be an occupational hazard. Birds fly in and out of the trees all of the time. Which of course can cause you to aim your specs towards the sun. The solution --- look for binoculars with central focusing coated lenses. This will protect you from the damage from the sun like glare or the halo effect.

What is a good weight for birding binoculars?

Weighing In The Right Birding Binoculars

One of the greatest attributes a bird watcher can posses is patience. Lots of time can be spent walking around finding birds. Then of course waiting for the birds to come into full view. You might think that any pair of binoculars will do. Though, carry anything (even a couple of pounds) for long stretches of time will begin to cause a strain. In truth, probably the best weight for binoculars are between 20 to 28 ounces. Thankfully, there many manufacturers that produce these lighter models.

What is a good bird watching bag?

A Bit Bigger Is Better

Hikes and bird watching adventures can be one in the same. In which case it might not be a bad idea to bring a binocular case. It could save your binoculars from certain damage if you trip on uncertain terrain. If you do decide to bring along a bag you might want to have one that is a tad larger in size. This is so your binocular bag can double as a bag for other bird watching necessities like your trusty field guide, plus anything else you need to pack for your trip. The better binocular bags will actually be designed with extra pockets to accommodate these extras easier.

When should you trust your instincts instead of reviews?

Best In Show

If you are shopping for the best birding binoculars you can look online and in magazines for all kinds of birding binocular reviews. These reviews usually discuss:
- Weight of binoculars
- Quality of lenses
However, another important factor that people tend to overlook is personal preference. Never mind that this magazine picks a certain binocular as the best brand. It might pinch your nose. It could be hard for you to grip. So aside from trusting the reviews make sure you also trust your own instincts.

Why should you get bigger binoculars for bird watching?

Shedding Light On The Situation

Some pocket binoculars are so tiny they can fit in your jacket pocket with ease. The advantage to this is obviously you have one less thing that will weigh you down during your bird watching expedition. However, there are some disadvantages to compact birding binoculars. Especially, if you are going exploring on a cloudy day. Since their objective lenses are only about 20 to 25 millimeters you will not be able to capture as much light as opposed to objective lenses sporting sizes of 42 mm. Though, if the weather is sunny both sizes will do fairly well.

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Jolyn Wells-Moran