Read these 7 Binocular Camera Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Binoculars tips and hundreds of other topics.
Another feature that has made the leap from digital cameras to binoculars with digital cameras is video capture. This is the ability to take mini-movie clips. You can usually record for about 30 seconds if the device has a pre-set shooting limit. If not, the memory will accept a total amount of seconds like 200. When taking video it is important to remember a couple of things:
- These files take up a lot of memory space so use sparingly
- The resolution is not like a high priced film camera so for best results use only in optimal light conditions.
- Check your computer to see if it has the right software for video playback.
A lot of amateur photographers will sometimes have that “if only I…” disposition when they look at the shots they took. They feel like once you snap, the image is set in digital stone. This is not true at all. There are all kinds of image correcting software available today. True, some of the higher end programs can cost a ton of dough. However, usually the digital camera and binocular camera companies will provide a very basic program free of charge. You can use it to change the size, correcting red eye. Even converting the photo to B&W or a sepia tone. So check what comes with your digital camera binoculars. If it does come with software make sure it is compatible with your computer. If it isn't, most of the time they will provide alternate software for other platforms on their website. Then you can download the one that works for you.
Possibly the one thing digital camera binoculars do not offer that most digital cameras have is a flash. This is due to the fact that day binoculars are useless at night. A second of brilliant light won't change that fact. Though, this means in any low light situation you will have problems taking pictures. So if you are going on a wilderness hike on a dark overcast day, bring along your digital camera for safe measure.
What's the fun of taking cool digital camera binocular photos if you can't share ‘em. The way this is accomplished is first transferring your photos to the computer. This can be done in two ways:
From the binoculars camera:
- This is done by attaching a USB cord from the binoculars to the computer.
Using a reader:
- If your camera has an SD or MMC card you can remove it and place in what's
called a reader. This reader will read and transfer all of your pictures on the card to the computer.
Either way is easy, though make sure your computer is running on the right platform before you attempt the transfer. It will usually work with a version of Windows or Mac OS, or both.
When buying a digital camera the first thing you probably look at is the megapixels. A pixel is a point on an image. The more you have the greater the detail quality of the photo. Most affordable digital cameras have a range of 3 to 8 megapixels. Whereas, most binocular cameras are pretty new to the market. On average their megapixel count is much lower. If you are emailing pictures to your dear old Aunt in Idaho, low megapixels doesn't matter too much. However, if she wants to print the picture then it's a different story. Anything under 1 megapixel will produce a broken up looking print. So if you do plan on saving decent digital photos to a traditional album you should try and at least aim for digital camera binoculars with 2.5 megapixels.
In nature, there are two camps you can place almost all of your photos into. Landscape and live subject. When it comes to a life subject (like an animal) the higher speed your digital camera binoculars can take pictures at the better. This will make sure you have a chance of not getting a furry blur. Landscape is a totally different story. Here you can take your time. Make sure you set up the shot just right. Since you might be taking this picture at a slower speed you should consider using a tripod. This will keep binoculars with digital cameras very steady for any amount of time you want. So you can adjust to your hearts content and not have to worry about your other hand cramping up.
If you think back hard enough you can remember the days before the digital camera revolution. When you would just look for the view finder, aim, and hope for the best. Thankfully digital cameras have what's called an LCD or Liquid Crystal Displays. They are extremely useful to any digital photographer. It essentially gives you a more accurate preview of what the picture will look like before you snap it. As digital binoculars with digital camera evolve they take on more of the characteristics of digital cameras. Which of course means sporting these handy LCD screens. If your digital camera binoculars has an LCD use it sparingly. If an LCD screen is constantly left on it will become a big drain on the battery.
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