Mail Away To Get Cash Back

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How can you get a rebate on your binoculars?

Mail Away To Get Cash Back

Another big reason to go with a big name when buying binoculars is the big deals they can offer. Namely Rebates. A rebate is a discount provided by the manufacturer. Usually this comes in the form of a check the company sends to you after you send in a proof of purchase. This is probably one of the best ways to get Canon discount binoculars. The other good thing about rebates is that they are through the manufacturer most of the time. This means if a store is having a sale that discount is on top of the rebate. Though check carefully. Some stores actually minus the discount and the rebate amount and apply it to the price. So initially you are actually paying more. The other thing you should remember when dealing with rebates is to save everything (box and all). Usually these rebate offers require you to send a variety of things back. Miss one label or receipt and it's bye bye cash.



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